Fooman Surcharge (Magento 1)

Surcharges made easy
Pass on expensive payment provider fees to customers in an easy and transparent way, without increasing your product pricing.
Alternatively, encourage customers to use cost effective payment options by offering a discount for these payment methods.
Fine grained control over credit card surcharges
Impose a global credit card surcharge, a surcharge only for particular card types*, or different surcharges for different card types (for example AMEX only)*.
* These targeted surcharges require your store to be running a payment solution where customers enter credit card details on your website (rather than an external payment solution).

Flexible surcharge options
Surcharge according to a range of flexible criteria including payment method, customer type, product, country or region of order, and even shipping method.
Charge a small order fee or enforce a minimum order amount. Apply surcharges only to orders below or above a specified value.
Quick and easy to use
Easily add, manage and delete surcharges in minutes. Do it all from the Magento backend without technical knowledge.

Integrated surcharge display
Surcharges and a configurable surcharge description are automatically displayed in the following places:
- Checkout
- Print Order page
- My Account Order View page
- Customer sales emails generated by Magento
- Pdfs generated by Magento
Feature List
Charge more or less based on:
- Payment method
- Credit card payments (card-specific surcharges are possible if customers enter credit card details directly on your website)
- Customer type
- Country or region of order (based on either billing or shipping address)
- Product
- Shipping method (add a surcharge for mandatory insurance or extra handling fees for certain shipping methods)
- Enforce a minimum order amount by adding an extra fee to orders below a specified amount
- Charge a small order fee on orders below a specified amount
- Customer group filter option on all surcharge types (except product surcharge)
- Country filter for payment surcharges - surcharge customers only from specific countries, or surcharge everyone except customers from specific countries
- Order minimum/maximum filter for payment surcharges - apply surcharges only to orders below/above a specified value
- Surcharge can be a flat rate or a percentage fee (except product surcharges, which can be configured as a flat rate fee only)
Other Features:
- Configurable surcharge description
- Surcharge details are automatically added to the checkout, Print Order page, Account Order View page, customer sales emails and pdfs generated by Magento
- Fine grained control over how surcharges are calculated - choose to include or exclude tax, shipping and discounts, or simply surcharge based on the grand total
- Choose where the surcharge is displayed in the checkout totals sort order
- Choose to display surcharges including tax, excluding tax, or both
- Choose which tax class applies to surcharges
- Set different surcharges on a per store basis (multi store capable)
- Compatible with Magento's 'Checkout with Multiple Addresses' feature
- Google Checkout is currently not supported
- Please read the FAQ carefully if you are also running another payment extension (especially a One Step Checkout module), as some modules are not compatible with Fooman Surcharge
Trusted By Companies Big and Small

“Flexible extension and brilliant support. Of all the surcharge type extensions, this one seems to understand the complexities of Magento's payment system the best...”
- Neil, via the Fooman website
“This extension was great and easy to install (and delivered immediately)! Unfortunately I tried a similar extension from elsewhere with problems, and I finally gave up to give Fooman extension a try (have bought another Fooman extension before), and it works fine with: GoMage LightCheckout and PayPal (the other extension I tried had problems with total amount coming out wrong, but with this extension the order amount is the same as PayPal amount). Even support VAT on surcharge (option), and I now think I can use it for even other purposes that I first planned (many options)!”
- it24, via Magento Connect
Add your Review
Frequently Bought Together With
1.0.0 First release |
1.1.7 Added surcharge tax settings 2.0.0 Added payment surcharge type option to Customer Group surcharge 2.0.3 Added fixed transaction cost option for Credit Card and Payment Type surcharges 2.0.4 Added second Payment Type surcharge option 2.0.5 Added option to apply Enforce Minimum Amount and Small Order Fee surcharges to particular customer groups 2.0.7 Fine grained settings for how surcharges are calculated 2.0.8 Added option to display surcharges as excluding/including/including and excluding tax 2.1.1 Added option to have up to 5 Payment Type surcharges 2.1.2 Added second Credit Card surcharge option 2.1.3 Added group filter option to Enforce Minimum Amount and Small Order Fee surcharges 2.1.6 Added second Customer Group surcharge option 2.2.1 Added Country Fee and Region Fee surcharge options. Added group filter option to Customer Group surcharge 2.2.4 Added group filter option to Credit Card Surcharge and Payment Surcharge 2.2.12 Added Surcharge on Shipping Method option 2.3.1 Added Surcharge on Products option. Added payment surcharge type option to Small Order Fee surcharge 2.3.3 Added second Country Fee surcharge option 2.3.5 Added choices to surcharge on subtotal and shipping tax inclusive totals 2.3.6 Fix for empty shipping methods, allow negative taxes when discounting 2.3.7 Fix tax helper to deal with changed Magento behaviour 2.3.8 include selftester 3.0.0 Complete rewrite of the extension internals to be more modular, all surcharge types are now covered by automated tests 3.0.1 Five payment surcharges available by default, Country filter and Max and Min amount available for 2 payment methods, Surcharge total can now be sorted, various fixes 3.0.2 Extension is now compatible from 1.4.+ 3.0.5 Include TotalsSortingFix by default, add option to turn off country filter, fix tax inclusive surcharges 3.0.8 Fix double inclusion in quote grand total 3.0.9 negative Surcharge amounts are distributed proportionally when invoicing or refunding, fix CC surcharge for payment methods that do not extend the Magento CC base class 3.0.10 additional settings for product surcharges (exclude product, or turn off surcharge for order) 3.0.12 allow payment surcharges to be previewed at payment selection step 3.0.13 make surchareg preview display configurable 3.0.14 add compatibility with RicoNeitzel_PaymentFilter, allow surhcharge tax class to be set based on basket content 3.0.15 fix for double observer calls 3.0.17 updated common module 3.0.18 get the right address object for region and country calculations during multiaddress checkouts 3.0.20 updated common module 3.0.21 fix admin group assign, style improvements 3.0.22 better listing of available shipping methods, add special treatment for paypal standard for surcharge preview 3.0.23 extend min/max to all 5 payment methods 3.0.24 fix shipping/billing address retrieval on non-multicheckout 3.0.25 Create Override Setting for Calculate Surcharge On (Shipping) 3.0.27 add MultiSafePay workaround 3.0.28 improvements around payment preview for some 3rd party checkouts 3.0.29 Common module update 3.1.0 use fooman_surcharge as total code to avoid naming clashes (SagePay) 3.1.1 allow applying a country filter on all payment methods surcharges 3.1.2 allow negative product surcharges 3.1.3 add surcharge on surcharge mode 3.1.4 include manual as tooltips in adminhtml 3.1.5 add options for small order fee basis 3.1.6 fix preview of tax inclusive surcharges, restrict CC surcharges to Magento's CC class 3.1.7 add adjustable surcharges on refunds 3.1.8 delta rounding tax, add 2 more shipping surcharges 3.1.9 remove dynamic rewrite (drops support for Magento below 1.4.1) 3.1.10 fix country fee settings 3.1.11 annotate more settings 3.1.12 support API2 3.1.13 apply different workaround when taxes are different 3.1.14 use base rate for adjustable surcharge amount on creditmemo, additional tax rate fixes for 3.1.13 3.1.15 fixed display of tax in configurable creditmemo 3.1.16 fixed tax incl. vs excl. on configurable creditmemo 3.1.17 fixed an issue on Magento 1.7 when cart contains configurable/bundle products, allow refund surcharge to be entered tax exclusively 3.1.18 adjust for hidden taxes on refunds, improved handling of product exclusions on product surcharges 3.1.19 prevent zero divisions on creditmemos without surcharges 3.1.20 order amounts should only be updated once 3.1.21 fix surcharge tax amounts on admin created invoices 3.1.22 fix don't convert product surcharges to full digit amounts |
Money back guarantee
We stand behind the quality of our extensions with a 30 day money back guarantee
Free updates
Extension includes free updates for 12 months
Simple user manuals
Easy to understand user manuals show you how to get the most out of your extension
Open source code
Our code is 100% open source and unencrypted. Easily add your own customisations
Quality support
Our friendly team provides expert product support and troubleshooting
Easy licensing
One license per Magento installation, including multi store setups and test sites. Easy!
Any Questions?
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