Is it compatible?
One of the questions we get asked a lot: Is Fooman extension X compatible with Vendor Y's Z extension? The answer to this question is unfortunately a typical software engineering answer - it depends. …
One of the questions we get asked a lot: Is Fooman extension X compatible with Vendor Y's Z extension? The answer to this question is unfortunately a typical software engineering answer - it depends. …
As part of ExtDN (the Magento Extension Developers Network) we kicked off two initiatives at this year's Imagine: Extension quality and extension interoperability. For the second topic I suggested a …
One of the questions we get asked a lot: Is Fooman extension X compatible with Vendor Y's Z extension? The answer to this question is unfortunately a typical software engineering answer - it depends. …
As part of ExtDN (the Magento Extension Developers Network) we kicked off two initiatives at this year's Imagine: Extension quality and extension interoperability. For the second topic I suggested a …
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